Seniors Conference

Post-Conference Encouragement

Dear senior saints:

We believe that many senior saints can testify how wonderful the Northern California Senior Saints Conference was this past Saturday, March 1. For the three conference meetings the average attendance at FSCC was just over 500 saints (it was approaching 650 saints when including zoom screens).

Our brother Minoru helped us to see that there is a never-aging life (1 Peter 1:23) in us believers. For the senior saints it is even appropriate using Psalm 92:14 as a basis to be referred to as “evergreen saints.” We saw how useful and precious Simeon and Anna were, as elderly saints, in ushering in Christ in His first coming. Both started in the Old Testament but finished their courses in the New Testament—truly real age changers. These two were not waning in their latter years but rather they ended at the high noon time of their Christian life!

As seniors we have more time (but we must learn to redeem it and not waste it) to get into the Word and ministry, to pray, to attend the meetings, and to especially shepherd others. The Lord and His church needs the senior saints to use their time to go deeper into God for His Body’s sake.

Brother Minoru was only able to finish the first outline out of the three that were prepared. So, indications are that there may be future times to cover the remaining two outlines. He did speak at length on Psalms 90, 91, and 92 during the conference and asked all the attendees to read and get into these three Psalms. Below are helpful references to assist in doing just that. Dear saints, this is an opportunity for us to redeem our time and go deeper into God.

  • A good summary of Brother Lee’s ministry on Psalms 90 through 92 is Message 4 of the Crystallization-study of the Psalms (2) (the second training), entitled “The Highest and Fullest Experience of God—Taking God as Our Habitation, Our Eternal Dwelling Place.” Here is a link to the training outline for this message:
  • Other recommended resources for getting into Psalms 90 through 92 are:
    • Week 16 of the HWMR on the Crystallization-study of the Psalms (2), vol. 1
    • Christ and the Church Revealed and Typified in the Psalms, ch. 16, “One with God in His Dwelling Place”
    • Life-study of the Psalms, msg. 35, “The Saints’ Deeper Experience of God in the Identification with Christ”

As a final practical reminder—may we senior saints become simpler in our living so that we can redeem our precious limited days to go deeper into God.

Recordings (Audio and Video)