Nor Cal November Conference (with James Lee)

Dear saints,

We are deeply thankful to the Lord that the churches in Northern California will have a conference with Brother James Lee November 8-10, 2024 at the Fremont Springs Conference Center (FSCC) located in Fremont, CA.

Due to space limitation at FSCC, registration is required to attend in person for each session. Registration will open on Lord’s day, October 13, 2024 at 12:30 PM and those who have received approval for in person attendance will be notified of this via a separate email after submitting their registration.

The burden of this conference is not for any specific age category but is general for all saints in the NorCal region. Despite the burden being general, we particularly encourage the working saints from 25-50 years old to register to attend the conference in person and to encourage other working saints you may know to do the same.

Who should register: saints of all ages who are able to attend the conference meetings in person (there is no provision for children and no separate YP meetings at FSCC).

How do I know I have a seat at the conference: you will receive a separate email to confirm you have a seat at the conference.

Parking: parking is very limited at FSCC, therefore, no car with less than 3 saints will be permitted to enter the FSCC parking lot. More details on this will be given in future emails.

Childcare: there is no childcare at FSCC during this conference. Saints are encouraged to make arrangements outside of FSCC for childcare.

YP meetings: there are no YP meetings at FSCC during this conference.

Zoom: for those not attending in person, Zoom will be available.

We hope all the saints will bear this conference up in prayer that we can receive the ministry through our brother in the best possible way and for the Lord’s covering and blessing of all the practical details.

The serving saints in NorCal

Meeting Schedule

  • 1st Meeting: Friday, November 8 (7:30 PM)
  • 2nd Meeting: Saturday, November 9 (10:00 AM)
  • 3rd Meeting: Saturday, November 9 (7:30 PM)
  • 4th Meeting: Lord’s Day, November 10 (9:30 AM)
  • Informal Fellowship: Lord’s Day, November 10 (7:30 PM)

Registration Form