Audio and Video Recordings of the Conference
Dear saints,
As was previously announced, this year Brother Ron Kangas will join us again for an annual conference held for all the churches in Northern California. The conference will be held entirely on Zoom and will take place from Friday, December 4, through Lord’s Day, December 6, 2020. The general subject is: Shepherding in Mutuality for the Building up of the Body of Christ. The conference will take place according to the following schedule:
Meeting 1: Friday, December 4, 7 PM
Meeting 2: Saturday, December 5, 7 PM
Meeting 3: Lord’s Day, December 6, 10 AM
Question & Response Time: Lord’s Day, December 6, 7 PM
Zoom information for the question and response session only:
87033328408?pwd= eGIwTTZoakJRdERDYTlVNXROUEIzZz 09 -
Meeting ID: 870 3332 8408
Passcode: 283886
Phone Dial-in: Dial +1 669 900 6833 and enter 87033328408#
Use this YouTube link if the Zoom link above doesn’t work:
The outlines for the conference by language are linked below:
Note that all the saints will use the same Zoom meetings specified above, regardless of language. Translation will be provided into Chinese, Spanish, Korean, and Russian within the Zoom meeting. The saints can (1) click on the “Interpretation” icon in the Zoom menu bar; (2) select the translation language of choice in the menu; and (3) optionally select “Mute Original Audio” to mute the English soundtrack, as shown in the image below. We ask all those listening to the Russian translation to select “Mute Original Audio,” because the Russian translation soundtrack already contains the English translation in the background.

Please pray much for the Lord’s blessing on this conference and we hope that all the saints would do their best to set aside the time for each session to receive the Lord’s timely speaking.
The brothers in coordination